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Why connect with your child and family nurse?

By Family, Health, Womens Health

Why engage with your Child and Family Health Nurse Service?

Maybe it is because I too work in health, but I truly value this service and have benefited several times from being connected.

I received my first Blue Book with my daughter almost 12 years ago, then keenly accepted the offer for the local child and family health service to come and visit us. I benefited from the knowledge and support greatly as a new Mother, and even now having 4 children I still benefit from engaging with this service and I think almost everyone would.

So, I wanted to share a bit about how I used the service and how you might benefit from it also. Read More

Motherhood- Powerful in the Menial

By Family, Home Life, Mum life
Anyone else feel completely lost in the day to day ordinary tasks sometimes? The constant cooking, cleaning and answering of questions.

It can feel menial can’t it? ‘Menial’ meaning; not requiring much skill and lacking prestige. It may feel that way, but Motherhood is very powerful.Reading this passage made me feel re-inspired by my role of Mother and the power in its expression in the day to day, so I wanted to share. Read More

Are you ready for Winter?

By Family, Home Life

Winter is Upon us…Are you ready?

Are you ready to keep warm?

Are you ready for cold and flu season? While I don’t wish to speak sickness over my family,I do want to be ready should it sneak into our home. These are just some ideas that I do as well as ideas that I wish I did 🙂

Not making recommendation of products or brands here, merely things to think about and look into should you be inspired to.

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Guidance and support from a local Kindy teacher.

By Family, Inspiration
I am one of the many mums sending a child off to kindergarten this year. It is a strange time for all of us to be supporting our children and each other with these big grow up moments.. I am blessed to have a few beautiful teacher friends in my world, so I thought I would ask one of them a few questions and publish them here for you. To hopefully give us all a bit of support and encouragement.
Sarah Allison is the Wycliffe Hope school Coordinator at Wycliffe Christian School, a new program where education for children with extra challenges is met. A beautiful teacher with a beautiful heart!
I hope this helps some of you.

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