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Motherhood- Powerful in the Menial

By Family, Home Life, Mum life
Anyone else feel completely lost in the day to day ordinary tasks sometimes? The constant cooking, cleaning and answering of questions.

It can feel menial can’t it? ‘Menial’ meaning; not requiring much skill and lacking prestige. It may feel that way, but Motherhood is very powerful.Reading this passage made me feel re-inspired by my role of Mother and the power in its expression in the day to day, so I wanted to share. Read More

Supporting someone in the Hard seasons of life.

By Real life, Inspiration
Supporting Someone In The Hard Seasons of Life

Life can be sunshine, rainbows, and roses. And of course, that’s what we hope for. Unfortunately though, life doesn’t always let us decide the road we travel, and often, our plans are rudely interrupted by tragedy. This can take many forms – divorce, miscarriage, a terminal illness, a chronic health diagnosis, death of a loved one – just to name a few. We may be blessed to not travel these roads ourselves, but the likelihood is that over the course of our lives we will walk beside somebody who needs to navigate some of the hardest things life can throw at us. Read More

Are you ready for Winter?

By Family, Home Life

Winter is Upon us…Are you ready?

Are you ready to keep warm?

Are you ready for cold and flu season? While I don’t wish to speak sickness over my family,I do want to be ready should it sneak into our home. These are just some ideas that I do as well as ideas that I wish I did 🙂

Not making recommendation of products or brands here, merely things to think about and look into should you be inspired to.

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Birthday Parties in the Park

By Uncategorized

Hosting a birthday Party in the park can be a great idea.

While no birthday party is without a bit of work, hosting in a park can feel easier as there is no one messing up your home and there is already space and play equipment.

Finding a park that suits hosting a party is probably the hardest part, so I thought I could help by listing my favourites for group gatherings.

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