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I am Mum to 3 little ones, aged 6,3 and almost 1, Wife to my high school crush, Midwife at our local hospital and Creator of 'Out of the Nest'. I hope more than anything to do all these things well and maybe empower and encourage others along the way. Though its quite the juggling act, and balls do drop ALOT, so I am happy to talk about that too. xx

Guidance and support from a local Kindy teacher.

By Family, Inspiration
I am one of the many mums sending a child off to kindergarten this year. It is a strange time for all of us to be supporting our children and each other with these big grow up moments.. I am blessed to have a few beautiful teacher friends in my world, so I thought I would ask one of them a few questions and publish them here for you. To hopefully give us all a bit of support and encouragement.
Sarah Allison is the Wycliffe Hope school Coordinator at Wycliffe Christian School, a new program where education for children with extra challenges is met. A beautiful teacher with a beautiful heart!
I hope this helps some of you.

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Active Kids

By Blue Mountains Experience, Inspiration

Looking for Blue Mountains Active Kids activities? Take a look here…
We are fortunate to have the government helping us to get our kids active by offering us active kids vouchers. It is then the decision on where to invest those vouchers? I thought I would try to make the search a little easier by finding as many activities as I could and putting them in one place for you.

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Shopping Blue Mountains

By Supporting Blue Mountains
I love discovering new local businesses and thought you might too, so I thought I would create a list for you. You might be finished your christmas shopping but it still feels good to follow and support throughout the year.

Let me know of any others I should add!! Read More