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I am Mum to 3 little ones, aged 6,3 and almost 1, Wife to my high school crush, Midwife at our local hospital and Creator of 'Out of the Nest'. I hope more than anything to do all these things well and maybe empower and encourage others along the way. Though its quite the juggling act, and balls do drop ALOT, so I am happy to talk about that too. xx

Homeschooling in the Blue Mountains

By Family, Home Life, Stay at home parent

Have you ever wondered about Home Schooling? My husband and I thought for quite a while that we would home school our kids. I have been so inspired by people around me that homeschool, and homeschool really well. I love so much about home schooling. While we ended up taking a different route and are enjoying being part of our local school, I will always have homeschooling on the table as an option should it feel right for our family in the future.

Prior to meeting people that were homeschooling, I had so many misconceptions about what it would look like, be like. So I have invited a friend of mine to answer some commonly asked questions about Homeschooling. Read More

The Power of an Intuitive Friend

By isolation, Real life, Inspiration

I’m not sure about you, but over the years when I have had hard seasons and find myself in a very overwhelmed state, I wonder if anyone even notices that I am drowning. I wonder why they haven’t noticed how stressed I am, why they haven’t checked in with me, why they haven’t offered some help or at least some encouragement. Read More

‘Twas the Night of 5 Linen Changes

By Children, Mum life, Real life
This is story from a while back- that I can now laugh at, my oh my at the time was it awful!

My husband travels a bit for work, and so we were just returning from dropping him at the airport. He had been unwell the days prior to leaving with a stomach bug so I had been on the watch for signs and symptoms in anyone else. None until NOW!

When…. It happened… halfway down the M5, at 4.30pm- yep traffic- My darling daughter…’mummy my tummy hurts’ Read More